


2020年2月29日 — 首先下载安装KDiff3插件[官网下载传送门]; 然后输入命令:. git config --global --add mergetool kdiff3 git config --global --add mergetool.kdiff3.

git设置mergetool为kdiff3 转载

2018年7月19日 — git设置mergetool为kdiff3 转载 · 1.kdiff3路径. :/$ which kdiff3 /usr/bin/kdiff3 · 2.设置kdiff3为比较工具. $ git config --global merge.tool kdiff3.

Using KDiff3 as a Git Diff and Merging Tool

KDiff3 can be used as a Git diff and merge tool. Just add the following lines into your gitconfig file. [diff] tool = kdiff3 [difftool kdiff3] path ...

set up kdiff3 with git

git config --global merge.tool kdiff3. git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false. #on windows. git config --global mergetool.kdiff3.path 'G:-win-KDiff3- ...


使用由<工具>指定的合并解决程序。 有效值包括emerge、gvimdiff、kdiff3、meld、vimdiff 和tortoisemerge。运行`git mergetool --tool-help`以获得有效的<工具> ...


compares or merges two or three text input files or directories, · shows the differences line by line and character by character (!), · provides an automatic ...

Setting up Git mergetool

2024年4月28日 — Here's an example of how to set up kdiff3 as a mergetool. kdiff3 configuration on MacOS​. Install kdiff3 's cask version with brew : # important ...


2017年3月5日 — git config --global -e opens the config file in the default editor (using git for windows, this would be vim ). I would edit the whole file ...

How can I configure KDiff3 as a merge tool and diff tool for ...

2015年10月23日 — The simple solution: Edit your computer settings and include the directory with kdiff3.exe in %PATH%. Then test if you can invoke it from cmd.

Git学习笔记--- diff工具kdiff3

2018年9月6日 — merge:. 如果是pull下来之后有冲突,直接执行git mergetool即可手动执行合并。 软件的操作比较简单3分钟即可上手 ...